Vignerons des Coteaux Romanais
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Since 1957, the winery has gathered about twenty winegrowers spread over the neighboring communes of Saint Romain, in the Touraine appellation. They produce and age our wines with tradition (conservation cellar dug in the tufa) and modernity (pneumatic pressing, tangential filtration...Committed to ever more rigorous plot selection procedures, the winemakers strive to improve the quality of our wines each year in order to bring you the greatest satisfaction. Les Vignerons des Coteaux Romanais belong to Alliance group. Alliance Loire is a group of winegrowers who decided in 2002 to pool their resources in order to offer a complete range of authentic, well-balanced wines from Muscadet to Vouvray along the Loire River.Loire wines in general are known as reasonably priced refreshing wines.
More information
Sopexa Loire Wines Competition reveals top wines from Alliance Loire
Terrisson Wines
195 rue Guy Arnaud
30900 Nîmes - FRANCE
+33 (0)
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